Game of Thrones: Ascent Wiki
World Iron Throne


The Mines of Casterly Rock

Ser Hugo waits to speak to the queen. "The mines of Casterly Rock have run dry," he overhears Lord Tywin tell her before they emerge.



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Confront Lord Tywin over what you heard. What does he mean, the mines have run dry?

Tywin raises an eyebrow. "I should have your head removed for listening in on us. If I hear one whisper about this outside this room, I will."

Assure Lord Tywin you will tell no one about his financial woes.

Apologize for what you overheard and ask whether anyone else knows the bad news.

"No," Tywin says firmly. "And no one will. At least until Tommen and his heirs hold the throne without fear of Lannister power keeping them there."

Warn Tywin that it will be impossible to keep a secret this big for long.


Politely pretend not to have heard and make your report on Margaery.

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Alignment Family Icon "Tommen must stabilize the realm, pay off Robert's debts, and get an heir." Tywin is looking at the queen. "And for all of those, we need the Tyrells."
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Alignment Cunning Icon "Margaery seems to feel guilt over Joffrey's death", Ser Hugo reports. Cersei and Tywin exchange a look. "We need the Tyrells", Tywin says flatly.
