Game of Thrones: Ascent Wiki


Straight to the Source

You sit alongside Devan and Jayne as a scowling farmer is brought in. "Ah, now it's Ser [Your Character]. Will you put us to sword for wanting a bit of justice?"



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"My origins are of no import here. What are your troubles?"

The farmer's face softens. "Me wife never came back from the fields. Like me neighbor Cobb's daughter, the butcher's boy, Old Ann's husband..."

"Lord Devan and Lady Jayne will help find your missing, Gott. But you must be patient."

"Knights are sworn to act with honor. Why do you think I would harm you?"

"Knights," the farmer sneers. "Lord Regenard gad plenty, before they died in your war. Him and his sers would never help find me wife and the others."

"The Turners are quite useless, but I'm not. I'll find your wayward wife easily."

"Insult my honor again, and you'll be swinging from a rope. Right, Lord Turner?"

"Quite right," Devan says. "Show some respect, man!" Gott rolls his eyes. "Me wife and the hundred others gone... where's respect for them?"

"Your wife left you and the others ran off. These are your burdens, not ours. Begone."
