Peerless Daughter's Seal of Intrigue
- Chance to produce at the Great Hall
- On success gain a Random Peerless Daughter of the North Seal and reset Luck.
- On failure gain a Random Legendary Daughter of the North Seal and +1 Luck.
- On success gain a Random Peerless Daughter of the North Seal and reset Luck.
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- Possibly as part of the following Deal:
- Possibly as part of the following Offers:
- Daughter of the North Intrigue Offer for US$20.00
- Daughter of the North Intrigue Seals Offer for US$10.00
- Daughter of the North Offer for US$20.00
- Daughter of the North Offer ($100) for US$100.00
- Daughter of the North Offer ($50) for US$50.00
- Seals of the North Offer for US$20.00