Game of Thrones: Ascent Wiki

Mad Dogs

Rona brings you a message. "Carellen," she says shortly. "The Boltons are clearing Ironborn from the North. They have Moat Cailin."



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"How did they take Moat Cailin?"

Rona hands you Carellen's report. "They sent Theon Greyjoy to demand a surrender. Then Bolton's bastard flayed everyone there to serve as a lesson."

"Good. The Ironborn and the Northerners need to understand they can't resist us."

"Are the Boltons still loyal to the Lannisters?"

"Our alliance with them was never formalized, my [lord/lady]," Septa Eleanor says. "But Bolton won't forget he owes his title to Lord Tywin."

"If word of their atrocities get out, it could turn people against the Lannisters."

"What else does Carellen say?"

Rona rubs her eyes. "King Tommen sent a decree of legitimacy for Ramsay Snow." Gammer looks appalled. "That boy's a mad dog. He can't rule the North!"

"The Lannisters must see the Boltons for what they are. Spread word of their atrocities."

Sworn Sword Actions



Alignment Realm Icon Add final text for 1st alignment
Alignment Family Icon Rona nods briskly. "We will make sure everyone in Westeros knows Moat Cailin was defeated fairly. It was the Ironborn who violated the terms of their peace."
Alignment Truthful Icon Add final text for 3rd alignment

Atrocities - I Next Quest

Storyline Next Quest
Atrocities - I - Family Icon Truthful Icon The Rules of Warfare
Realm Icon The Wardens of the North

Volume IV
