Weapons are items that can be equipped into the "Hand" slot for your Character or Sworn Swords.
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All items (598)
- A History of the Great Sieges of Westeros
- Abyssal Blade
- Abyssal Ring
- Aegis of R'hllor
- Aegis of the Faith
- Aegis of the Old Ways
- Aegis of the Seven
- Aeron Damphair's Waterskin
- Aggo's Dragonbone Bow
- Ancestral Valyrian Steel Greatsword
- Ancient Bastard Sword
- Ancient Dragon Tooth
- Ancient Dragonglass Arrowhead
- Ancient Horn
- Ancient Longsword
- Arakh
- Areo's Longaxe
- Arryn Shield
- Arya's Begging Bowl
- Arya's Bow
- Arya's Braavosi Coin
- Arya's Broom
- Arya's Coinpurse
- Arya's Embroidery
- Arya's Hidden Dagger
- Arya's Poisoned Arbor Wine
- Arya's Quarterstaff
- Arya's Shucking Knife
- Arya's Water Dancing Sword
- Arya's Wooden Sword
- Assassin's Knife
- Asshai Book
- Astrolabe
- Axe
- Axe of the First Men
- Axe of the Thenns
- Azor Ahai's Sword Aflame
- Bael the Bard's Lute
- Bag of Diamonds
- Baratheon Insignia Banner
- Baratheon Insignia Shield
- Baratheon Poleaxe
- Baratheon Warhammer
- Barrel of Salt
- Basic Research
- Bastard Sword
- Benjen Stark's Flail
- Beric Dondarrion's Flaming Sword
- Bill of Sale
- Binding Contract
- Binding Fabric
- Biting Blade
- Black Diamond Ring
- Blackfish Bow
- Blackfish Gloves
- Blackfyre
- Blackfyre (II)
- Blade of the Watch
- Blindeye
- Bloodrider Arakh
- Bloodrider Whip
- Bloody Blade
- Bolton Map Markers
- Bonesaw
- Book of Account
- Braavosi Blade
- Braavosi Coin
- Braavosi Sword
- Bran the Builder's Hammer
- Bran the Builder's Tools
- Brandon's Bloody Blade
- Bravo's Blade
- Brienne's Wooden Sword
- Broadsword
- Bronn's Doveskin Gloves
- Bronn's Sword
- Bronn's Wineskin
- Bronze Archmaester Ring
- Bronze Archmaester Staff
- Brotherhood Lute
- Brush for Body Paint
- Burning Leech
- Burning Sword
- Catelyn's Prayer Wheel
- Catspaw Blade
- Censer
- Censered Mace
- Ceremonial Bowl
- Ceremonial Dagger
- Cersei Lannister's Seashell
- Cersei's Memento Box
- Cersei's Smelling Salts
- Champion of Meereen's Lance
- Champion's Prize Purse
- Champion's Purse
- Cheese Platter
- Children of the Forest Bow
- Children's Dragonglass Dagger
- Chopper
- Citadel Chamber Pot
- City Watch Sword
- Club
- Coin of the Gods
- Coinage
- Coinage of the Iron Bank
- Coldhands' Flail
- Composite Bow
- Countessa Handkerchief
- Courtesan Gifts
- Craster's Hand Axe
- Crow's Crossbow
- Crow's Dagger
- Crow's Longsword
- Crystal Greatsword
- Crystal Sword
- Curved Dagger
- Daario's Curved Blade
- Daario's Flowers
- Daario's Straight Blade
- Daenerys's Harpy Whip
- Dagger
- Damaging Letter
- Dark Diamond Ring
- Dark Sister
- Dark Sister (II)
- Daughter's Candle
- Daughter's Dagger
- Daughter's Drill
- Daughter's Embroidery
- Daughter's Letters
- Davos's Reading Book
- Deadly Poison
- Decorative Blade
- Delicate Gloves
- Deposit
- Dirk
- Dornish Bow
- Dornish Snake Box
- Dornish Spices
- Dothraki Bola
- Dragon Figurine
- Dragon Horn
- Dragon Queen's Dothraki Arakh
- Dragon Queen's Dothraki Bola
- Dragon Queen's Dothraki Bow
- Dragon Queen's Dothraki Whip
- Dragonbone Bow
- Dragonglass Arrows
- Dragonglass Dagger
- Dreamwine
- Driftwood Cudgel
- Dueling Sword
- Dull Razor
- Faceless Assassin Blade
- Faceless Deceiver Blade
- Faceless Killer Blade
- Faceless Man Blade
- False Coin
- Fiery Heart Shield
- Fingerless Gloves
- Fire Opal Ring
- Flayed Man Pennant
- Flickering Fire
- Foreign Coins
- Fortuneteller's Knife
- Free Folk's Bone Staff
- Free Folk's Bow
- Free Folk's Climbing Pick
- Free Folk's Dragonglass Dagger
- Free Folk's Horn
- Freed Unsullied Sword
- Frozen Scythe
- Fulfilled Contracts