Game of Thrones: Ascent Wiki

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Battle Weapons

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Weapons are equipped in the Item Hand Icon slot for Your Character or your Sworn Sword.

List of Battle Weapons[]

Type Name Battle Icon Trade Icon Intrigue Icon Quality Special Silver Icon/Gold Icon/Presige-Icon
Hand Icon Curved Dagger
Curved Dagger
8 8 0 Rare Gem +8% to Harass when attacking, Permanent 12 Gold Icon
8580 Silver Icon
Sells for 1716 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Bonesaw
9 0 0 Rare Gem +9% to Aid when attacking. Permanent 6142 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Letter from the Night's Watch
Letter from the Night's Watch
19 0 20 Legendary Gem +6% to Battle when defending, +8% to Spy when attacking, Permanent
Hand Icon Ned Stark's Walking Stick
Ned Stark's Walking Stick
30 0 0 Legendary Gem Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Ned Stark's Hunting Gloves
Ned Stark's Hunting Gloves
20 20 20 Legendary Gem +2% to all attacks, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Targaryen Pennant
Targaryen Pennant
17 17 17 Legendary Gem +4% more silver from Intrigue actions on Adventures, Permanent
Hand Icon Arya's Hidden Dagger
Arya's Hidden Dagger
18 0 27 Legendary Gem +6% to Harass when attacking, +10% to Sabotage when attacking, Permanent 30 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Arya's Wooden Sword
Arya's Wooden Sword
23 0 0 Legendary Gem +11% to Fight when attacking, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Sword Aflame
Sword Aflame
25 25 26 Peerless Gem +6% Silver Icon for winning an attack, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Ironborn Shield
Ironborn Shield
21 0 21 Legendary Gem +7% to Harass when attacking, +6% to Steal when attacking, +5% to Fight when defending, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Unsullied Spear
Unsullied Spear
8 8 0 Rare Gem +2% to Fight when attacking or defending, +2% to Barter when attacking or defending, Permanent 12 Gold Icon
8580 Silver Icon
Sells for 1716 Silver Icon
Hand Icon The Conquest of Dorne
The Conquest of Dorne
34 0 34 Peerless Gem +6% to Harass when attacking, +6% to Sabotage when attacking, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Sells for 8520 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Hoarfrost Ice Pick
Wall Climbing Ice Pick
24 0 0 Legendary Gem +3% to Battle when attacking, +3% chance of dealing an extra wound in Alliance vs Alliance against an Alliance that is not a friend, Permanent
Hand Icon Ice
48 0 0 Peerless Gem +8% to Battle when attacking, 7% more Silver Icon from Quests, Adventures, and PtP, Permanent 55 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Masterwork Spear
Masterwork Spear
20 0 0 Legendary Gem +10% to Harass when attacking Sells for 2700 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Bravo's Blade
Bravos Blade
4 4 4 Uncommon Gem +1% to all attacks, Special Seal Slots (6 total, 3 unlocked), Permanent
Hand Icon Faceless Man Blade
Faceless Blade
15 15 15 Legendary Gem +3% to all attacks, Special Seal Slots (6 total, 3 unlocked), Permanent
Hand Icon The Wild Wolf's Sword
Wild Wolf Sword
42 0 0 Peerless Gem +9% to all Quest Battle attacks, 4% faster Battle attacks on Quests, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Titan Shield
Titan Shield
21 21 21 Peerless Gem +3% to all attacks, +3% to all defense, +50% chance to add +6% to Aid for any attack or defense, +50% chance to add +6% to Barter for any attack or defense, +50% chance to add +6% to Spy for any attack or defense, Permanent
Hand Icon Water Dancer Blade
Bravos Blade
8 8 8 Rare Gem +2% to all attacks, Special Seal Slots (6 total, 3 unlocked), Permanent Sells for 2899 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Master Crafted Longbow
Master Crafted Longbow
30 0 0 Peerless Gem +10% to Aid when attacking, 3% faster Aid attacks Sells for 11100 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Beric Dondarrion's Flaming Sword
Sword Aflame
50 20 20 Peerless Gem +5% Silver Icon for winning an attack, Permanent 50 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Axe of the First Men
Axe of the First Men
27 27 27 Peerless Gem 2% faster completion of Battle actions on adventures, Speed up Sabotage attacks for adventures by +3%, Speed up Bribe attacks for adventures by +1%, Permanent ? Gold Icon
Hand Icon Osha's Skinning Knife
Osha Knife
43 22 0 Peerless Gem 6% faster Battle attacks on Quests, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Taut Weirwood Bow
Weirwood Bow
20 20 0 Legendary Gem +3% to Battle when attacking, +3% to Trade when attacking, Bonus Seal Slot, Permanent
Hand Icon Arya's Water Dancing Sword
Arya's Water Dancing Sword
33 0 33 Peerless Gem +3% to Intrigue when attacking, +50% chance to add +12% to Fight for any attack or defense, 4% faster Battle actions on Adventures, 5% faster Intrigue actions on Quests, Permanent
Hand Icon Wilding Spear
21 0 0 Legendary Gem 3% faster Harass attacks on Adventures, Special Seal Slots (6 total, 0 unlocked), Permanent
Hand Icon Master Crafted Warhammer
Master Crafted Warhammer
30 0 0 Peerless Gem +10% to Fight when attacking, 3% faster Fight attacks Sells for 11100 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Hoarfrost Greataxe
24 0 0 Legendary Gem +7% to Fight when attacking, +3% chance to inflict an additional wound on a defending Sworn Sword when you win an Alliance vs Alliance attack, Permanent Sells for ? Silver Icon
Hand Icon Pitchfork
10 0 0 Rare Gem +4% to Fight when attacking, +4% to Aid when attacking 12 Gold Icon
7280 Silver Icon
Sells for 1456 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Faceless Killer Blade
Faceless Blade
30 0 0 Peerless Gem +5% to Fight when attacking, +5% to Harass when attacking, 3% faster Battle attacks, Sworn Swords recover from wounds 5% faster, Special Seal Slots (6 total, 3 unlocked), Permanent
Hand Icon Catspaw Blade
Catspaw Blade
18 0 18 Legendary Gem +3% faster PtP attacks, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon The Book of Brothers
The Book of Brothers
27 27 27 Peerless Gem 5% to all attacks, +5% to all defense, +5% more Sworn Sword Experience, Permanent Sells for 27600 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Braavosi Blade
Bravos Blade
3 3 3 Common Gem Special Seal Slots (6 total, 3 unlocked), Permanent
Hand Icon Dragon Horn
Dragon Horn
17 17 17 Legendary Gem 2% more Silver Icon rewards from encounters with other players, +2% more Silver Icon from Adventures Sells for 10920 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Longclaw
42 0 22 Peerless Gem Lose 5% less silver on any unsuccessful PtP defense or attack, +4% more Silver Icon from Adventures, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Hearteater
45 0 0 Peerless Gem +5% to attacks and defenses when initiating or defending PtP, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Ser Meryn's Gauntlet
Meryn Gauntlet
32 0 32 Peerless Gem +3% silver loss to target in PtP attacks, 2% faster PtP attacks, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Flickering Fire
Flickering Fire
3 0 3 Common Gem Sells for 234 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Meera's Hand-made Bow
Meera's Hand-made Bow
45 0 0 Peerless Gem 7% more Silver Icon reward from Battle actions on adventures, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Chopper
Lockes Knife
15 0 15 Legendary Gem +8% to Harass when attacking, +8% to Sabotage when attacking, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Ygritte's Bow
Ygritte's Bow
44 0 0 Peerless Gem +15% to Aid when attacking, Complete adventures 3% faster, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Bran the Builder's Hammer
Bran Builder Hammer
34 35 0 Peerless Gem +5% to all AvA Battle attacks and defense, +4% more Sworn Sword Experience on Trade attacks. Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Kingsguard Shield
Kingsguard Shield
34 0 34 Peerless Gem +5% to Battle when defending, +5% chance to prevent a wound on a Sworn Sword when failing an AvA defense, +5% chance to prevent a wound on a Sworn Sword when failing a Player to Player defense, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Night's Watch Pike
Nights Watch Pike
24 0 0 Legendary Gem +4% to Battle when attacking, +25% chance to add +9% to all defenses, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Ramsay's Dog Cage Key
Ramsay's Dog Cage Key
32 0 33 Peerless Gem Complete Quests and Adventures 4% faster, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Tully Pennant
Tully Insignia Banner
18 18 18 Legendary Gem 5% more Silver Icon from Trade actions on Adventures, Permanent
Hand Icon Syrio Forel's Training Sword
Syrio Forel's Training Sword
40 0 0 Peerless Gem +6% to Battle when defending, +6% to Battle when attacking, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Driftwood Cudgel
21 0 0 Legendary Gem 7% chance that a dead Sworn Sword will be immediately returned with no penalty, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Blackfish Bow
Blackfish Bow
34 0 34 Peerless Gem +7% to Aid when attacking, 5% faster gain of a Sworn Sword to replace a dead one, +4% chance to increase silver rewards by 100% for any Adventure victory, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Grey Worm's Sword
Greyworm Sword
42 0 23 Peerless Gem +7% to Fight when attacking, +4% chance of dealing an extra wound in AvA against a non-friendly Alliance, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon History of Aegon the Conqueror
History of Aegon
16 16 0 Legendary Gem +5% more Silver Icon from Adventures, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Ser Loras Tyrell's Lance
Loras Lance
45 0 0 Peerless Gem 4% faster completion of Battle actions on Quests, 4% more Silver Icon reward from Battle actions on adventures, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Ser Loras Tyrell's Shield
Loras Shield
33 32 0 Peerless Gem 4% more Silver Icon reward from Battle actions on quests, 4% more Silver Icon reward from Trade actions on quests, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Hidden Knife
Hidden Knife
16 0 15 Legendary Gem +8% to Harass when attacking, +8% to Sabotage when attacking, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Meera's Frog Spear
Meera Frog Spear
34 33 0 Peerless Gem 7% to all Adventure Battle attacks, 7% to all Quest Trade attacks, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Meera's Net
Meera Net
21 0 20 Legendary Gem +9% to Harass when attacking, +50% chance to add +10% to Sabotage for any attack or defense, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Jason's Reforged Sword
Jason Sword Reforged
21 21 21 Peerless Gem +3% to all attacks, +3% to all defense, +5% more Sworn Sword Experience Sells for 21540 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Remnants of Jason's Sword
Jason Sword Remnants
17 17 17 Legendary Gem +1% to all attacks, +1% to all defense, +1% more Sworn Sword Experience Sells for 9180 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Wight's Hand
Jafer's Frozen Hand
17 17 17 Legendary Gem 2% faster attacks, Bonus Seal slot
Hand Icon Arryn Shield
Arryn Shield
8 0 8 Rare Gem +2% to Harass when attacking, +5% to Steal when defending Sells for 1657 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Grand Throwing Knife
6 0 0 Uncommon Gem Sells for 188 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Grand Swamp Cleaver
6 0 0 Uncommon Gem Sells for 420 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Grand Parrying Blade
6 0 0 Rare Gem +4% to Battle when defending Sells for 728 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Weighted Club
1 0 0 Common Gem +1% to Fight when attacking Sells for 45 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Moonsinger's Flail
Censered Mace
12 0 0 Rare Gem +3% to Fight when attacking or defending Sells for 1618 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Lannister Shield
Lannister Shield
8 8 0 Rare Gem +2% to Aid when attacking, +2% to Steal when attacking ?
Hand Icon Troop Map
Map of Troops
12 12 0 Rare Gem 15600 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Stark Insignia Shield
Stark Sigil Shield
10 0 0 Rare Gem +4% to Harass when attacking or defending, +4% to Aid when attacking or defending 1820
Hand Icon Jon Snow's Bow
Jon Snow's Bow
44 0 0 Peerless Gem +6% to Fight when attacking, +6% to Aid when attacking, +6% chance to inflict an additional wound on a defending Sworn Sword when you win a Player to Player attack, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Tywin Lannister's Gauntlets
Tywin Lannister's Gauntlets
25 25 25 Peerless Gem +6% to Trade when defending, +6% to Intrigue when defending, +4% to all AvA attacks and defense, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Fortuneteller's Knife
Fortuneteller's Knife
20 0 20 Legendary Gem +4% to Harass when attacking or defending, +4% to Sabotage when attacking or defending, 2% faster PtP attacks, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Glorious Greatsword
Gleaming Greatsword
35 0 0 Peerless Gem +5% to Battle when attacking, 2% faster Battle attacks
Hand Icon Podrick's Rock
Podrick's Rock
25 25 25 Peerless Gem +50% chance to add +12% Harass for any attack or defense, +50% chance to add +12% Swindle for any attack or defense, +50% chance to add +12% Sabotage for any attack or defense, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Dragon Queen's Dothraki Bola
Dothraki Bola
12 12 0 Rare Gem +7% to Battle attacks in the Dragon Queen Tale, +7% to Trade attacks in the Dragon Queen Tale, +5% to all attacks in all Tales Sells for 2000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Khaleesi Bloodrider's Arakh
Kovarro's Great Arakh
40 20 0 Peerless Gem +5% to Fight when attacking, +5% to Harass when attacking, +27% to Battle attacks in the Dragon Queen Tale, Increase Renown gains on Battle Stages in the Dragon Queen Tale by 10%, Permanent
Hand Icon Dragon Queen's Dothraki Arakh
25 10 0 Legendary Gem +4% to Fight when attacking, +4% to Aid when attacking, +21% to Fight attacks in the Dragon Queen Tale, +21% to Aid attacks in the Dragon Queen Tale Sells for 4000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Dragon Queen's Dothraki Whip
Bloodrider Whip
20 20 0 Legendary Gem +4% to Harass when attacking, +4% to Bribe when attacking, +21% to Harass attacks in the Dragon Queen Tale, +21% to Bribe attacks in the Dragon Queen Tale Sells for 4000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Dragon Queen's Dothraki Bow
Dragonbone Bow
10 25 0 Legendary Gem +4% to Barter when attacking, +4% to Swindle when attacking, +21% to Barter attacks in the Dragon Queen Tale, +21% to Swindle attacks in the Dragon Queen Tale Sells for 4000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Khal Drogo's Arakh
Khal Drogo's Arakh
44 0 0 Peerless Gem +9% to Fight when attacking, +9% to Harass when attacking, Permanent
Hand Icon Slaver's Bay Unsullied Spear
Unsullied Spear
25 0 10 Legendary Gem +4% to Fight when attacking, +4% to Harass when attacking, +21% to Fight attacks in the Slaver's Bay Tale, +21% to Harass attacks in the Slaver's Bay Tale Sells for 4000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Slaver's Bay Unsullied Shield
Unsullied Shield
20 0 20 Legendary Gem +4% to Aid when attacking, +4% to Steal when attacking, +21% to Aid attacks in the Slaver's Bay Tale, +21% to Steal attacks in the Slaver's Bay Tale Sells for 4000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Slaver's Bay Flowers
Daario's Flowers
10 0 25 Legendary Gem +4% to Spy when attacking, +4% to Sabotage when attacking, +21% to Spy attacks in the Slaver's Bay Tale, +21% to Sabotage attacks in the Slaver's Bay Tale Sells for 4000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Slaver's Bay Unsullied Sword
Unsullied Shortsword
12 0 12 Rare Gem +7% to Battle attacks in the Slaver's Bay Tale, +7% to Intrigue attacks in the Slaver's Bay Tale, +5% to all attacks in all Tales Sells for 2000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Qyburn's Dissection Knife
Qyburn's Dissection Knife
34 0 33 Peerless Gem +5% to Aid when attacking or defending, +5% to Sabotage when attacking or defending, +5% chance to prevent a wound on a Sworn Sword when failing an AvA attack, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Arya's Broom
Arya's Broom
19 19 19 Legendary Gem +3% more Sworn Sword Experience, 3% faster completion of all Adventures, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Crystal Greatsword
Crystal Greatsword
40 20 20 Peerless Gem +2% to all attacks, 7% faster PtP attacks, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Loboda's Axe
Loboda's Axe
45 0 0 Peerless Gem +7% to Fight when attacking or defending, 5% faster AvA Fight attacks, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Sells for 18072 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Edge of Night
Edge of Night
7 0 13 Rare Gem +1% to Battle when attacking, +3% to Sabotage when attacking or defending, 3% chance that a dead Sworn Sword will be immediately returned with no penalty, Permanent
Hand Icon Edge of Fire
Edge of Fire
16 0 25 Legendary Gem +2% to Battle when attacking, +4% to Sabotage when attacking or defending, 5% chance that a dead Sworn Sword will be immediately returned with no penalty, Permanent
Hand Icon Edge of Terrors
Edge of Terrors
25 0 38 Peerless Gem +3% to Battle when attacking, +5% to Sabotage when attacking or defending, 8% chance that a dead Sworn Sword will be immediately returned with no penalty, Permanent
Hand Icon Olly's Bow
Ollie's Bow
33 0 33 Peerless Gem +7% to Sabotage when attacking, 4% faster Battle actions on Adventures, Permanent
Hand Icon The Dance of the Dragons
The Dance of the Dragons
21 0 20 Legendary Gem +6% to Fight when attacking, 2% faster AvA attacks, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Jorah's Dagger
Jorah's Dagger
43 0 23 Peerless Gem +3% to Aid when attacking, +3% to Spy when attacking, 3% faster completion of all Quests, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Northern Steel
Robb Stark's Sword
25 10 0 Legendary Gem +4% to Fight when attacking, +4% to Aid when attacking, +17% to Battle attacks in The King in the North Tale Sells for 4000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Northern Horn
Horn of Winter
10 25 0 Legendary Gem +4% to Barter when attacking, +4% to Swindle when attacking, +17% to Trade attacks in The King in the North Tale Sells for 4000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Northern Axe
12 12 0 Rare Gem +10% to Battle attacks in The King in the North Tale, +10% to Trade attacks in The King in the North Tale, +3% to all Adventure attacks Sells for 2000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Olly's Dagger
Olly's Dagger
23 0 43 Peerless Gem +6% to all PtP attacks and defense, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Greatjon's Knife
Greatjon's Knife
44 0 0 Peerless Gem 9% faster Fight attacks, Permanent
Hand Icon Qartheen Ritual Knife
Qartheen Ritual Knife
35 0 35 Peerless Gem +5% to Harass when attacking or defending, +5% to Steal when attacking or defending, +6% Silver Icon taken for AvA Steal attack victories, Permanent
Hand Icon Countessa Handkerchief
The Countessa of the Reach
19 19 19 Legendary Gem +6% to Aid when attacking or defending, +4% more Character Experience on attacks, Permanent Sells for 17016 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Baratheon Warhammer
Baratheon Champion
45 0 0 Peerless Gem +8% to Fight when attacking or defending, +6% chance to inflict an additional wound on a defending Sworn Sword when you win an AvA attack, Permanent
Hand Icon Brandon's Bloody Blade
Brandon's Bloody Blade
60 0 60 Peerless Gem +9% to Battle when attacking, +9% to Intrigue when attacking, +10% more damage for AvA Fight attack victories, +10% more damage for AvA Harass attack victories, +15% more damage for AvA Sabotage victories, Permanent
Hand Icon Bran the Builder's Tools
Bran the Builder's Tools
60 60 0 Peerless Gem +7% to Battle when attacking, +7% to Trade when attacking, +12% more health recovered from your AvA Aid attacks, +12% more Silver Icon earned from you AvA Barter attacks, Permanent
Hand Icon Ancient Horn
Ancient Horn
24 24 24 Peerless Gem +4% to all attacks, +4% to all defense, 4% more Silver Icon from Quests, Adventures, and PtP Sells for 20880 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Maester Aemon's Medical Supplies
Maester Aemon's Medical Supplies
47 0 0 Peerless Gem +9% to Aid when attacking or defending, 4% faster Aid, +5% more health recovered from your AvA Aid attacks, Permanent 50 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Dark Sister
Dark Sister
60 0 0 Peerless Gem +7% to Battle when defending, +12% to Battle when attacking, 6% faster AvA Battle attacks, 4% faster PtP Battle attacks, Increase Renown gains on Battle Stages all Tales by +3%, Permanent
Hand Icon Ancient Longsword
Ancient Longsword
50 0 0 Peerless Gem +5% to Battle when defending, +10% to Battle when attacking, 4% faster AvA Battle attacks, 3% faster PtP Battle attacks, Permanent
Hand Icon Lost Longsword
Lost Longsword
42 0 0 Peerless Gem +2% to Battle when defending, +5% to Battle when attacking, 2% faster AvA Battle attacks, Permanent 53 Gold Icon
Sells for 10686 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Dark Sister (II)
Dark Sister (II)
70 0 0 Peerless Gem +10% to Battle when defending, +14% to Battle when attacking, 8% faster AvA Battle attacks, 6% faster PtP Battle attacks, Increase Renown gains on Battle Stages all Tales by +7%, Permanent
Hand Icon Howland Reed's Dagger
Howland Reed's Dagger
48 0 0 Peerless Gem +12% to Harass when attacking, +5% to Harass when defending, +6% chance to wound a defending Sworn Sword when you fail a hostile AvA attack, Permanent 50 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Arya's Quarterstaff
Arya's Quarterstaff
48 0 0 Peerless Gem +4% to Battle when defending, +6% to Battle when attacking, 4% faster Battle attacks, Permanent 50 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Podrick's Sword
Podrick's Sword
48 0 0 Peerless Gem +12% to Fight when attacking, +5% to Fight when defending, +4% more Sworn Sword Experience on Battle attacks, Permanent 50 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Restrung Bow
Restrung Bow
12 0 15 Rare Gem +10% to Intrigue attacks in The Three-Eyed Raven Tale, +3% to all Adventure attacks Sells for 2000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Children's Dragonglass Dagger
Children's Dragonglass Dagger
10 0 25 Legendary Gem +5% to Spy when attacking, +15% to Spy attacks in The Three-Eyed Raven Tale Sells for 4000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Dragonglass Arrows
Dragonglass Arrows
20 0 25 Legendary Gem +3% to Intrigue when attacking, +4% to Harass when attacking, +4% to Spy when attacking, +15% to Intrigue attacks in The Three-Eyed Raven Tale Sells for 4000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Coldhands' Flail
Coldhands' Flail
20 0 45 Peerless Gem +2% to Intrigue when attacking, +3% to Sabotage when attacking, +27% to Intrigue attacks in the Three-Eyed Raven Tale, Increase Renown gains on Intrigue Stages in the Three-Eyed Raven Tale by +10%, Permanent
Hand Icon Young Ned's Fighting Gloves
Young Ned's Fighting Gloves
20 0 45 Peerless Gem +2% to Intrigue when attacking, +3% to Steal when attacking, +27% to Intrigue attacks in the Three-Eyed Raven Tale, Increase Renown gains on Intrigue Stages in the Three-Eyed Raven Tale by +10%, Permanent
Hand Icon Benjen Stark's Flail
Benjen Stark's Flail
48 0 0 Peerless Gem +8% to Battle when attacking, 4% faster Battle attacks, +3% chance to inflict an additional wound in AvA. Permanent 50 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Heartsbane
27 27 27 Peerless Gem +8% to all attacks, +8% to all defense. Permanent. 56 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Pyre
8 0 0 Rare Gem +8% to Harass when attacking 988
Hand Icon Composite Bow
Composite Bow
3 0 0 Uncommon Gem +3% to Aid when attacking 944 Silver Icon
Sells for 188 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Children of the Forest Bow
Children of the Forest Bow
17 17 17 Legendary Gem +50% chance to add +10% to Harass, Sabotage, or Barter for any attack or defense Sells for 5000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Baratheon Insignia Shield
Baratheon Shield
10 0 0 Rare Gem +4% to Fight when attacking or defending, +4% to Aid when attacking or defending Sells for 1820 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Jorah Mormont's Sword
Jorah Mormont's Sword
44 0 0 Peerless Gem +5% to all PtP Battle attacks and defense, 2% faster PtP Battle attacks, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Crow's Longsword
Blade of the Watch
25 0 10 Legendary Gem +4% to Harass when attacking, +4% to Aid when attacking, +17% to Battle attacks in the Fist of the First Men Tale Sells for 4000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Bloodrider Arakh
Bloodrider Arakh
25 25 25 Peerless Gem +8% to Fight when attacking, +8% to Steal when attacking, +8% to Bribe when attacking, Permanent Sells for 9720 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Greyjoy Insignia Shield
Greyjoy Shield
10 0 0 Rare Gem +4% to Fight when attacking or defending, +4% to Harass when attacking or defending Sells for 1820 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Crow's Crossbow
Sam's Crossbow
10 0 25 Legendary Gem +4% to Spy when attacking, +4% to Sabotage when attacking, +17% to Intrigue attacks in the Fist of the First Men Tale Sells for 4000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Jorah's Whip
Jorah's Whip
24 0 0 Legendary Gem +6% to Harass when attacking, 2% faster Harass attacks on Adventures, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Stitching Silk
Stitching Silk
23 0 0 Legendary Gem +11% to Aid when attacking, Permanent
Hand Icon The Hound's Knife
Hound Knife
25 25 25 Peerless Gem +8% to Aid when attacking, +8% to Sabotage when attacking, +8% to Swindle when attacking, Permanent
Hand Icon Shortbow
1 0 0 Common Gem +1% to Aid when attacking 227 Silver Icon
Sells for 45 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Grand Mistwood Dagger
Grand Mistwood Dagger
20 0 0 Legendary Gem +10% to Aid when attacking 2700
Hand Icon Ygritte's Spear
Ygritte Spear
44 0 0 Peerless Gem +12% to Harass when attacking, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Crow's Dagger
Olly's Dagger
12 0 12 Rare Gem +10% to Battle attacks in the Fist of the First Men Tale, +10% to Intrigue attacks in the Fist of the First Men Tale, +3% to all Adventure attacks Sells for 2000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Grand Sanded Bow
Composite Bow
6 0 0 Rare Gem +6% to Aid when attacking Sells for 585 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Partisan
10 0 0 Rare Gem +5% to Battle when defending Sells for 2047 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Dull Razor
Short Sword
6 0 0 Uncommon Gem Sells for 420 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Ancient Dragonglass Arrowhead
Ancient Dragonglass Arrowhead
7 7 7 Rare Gem +25% chance to add +6% to Harass, Sabotage, or Barter for any attack or defense. Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Hand Icon The Red Viper's Spear
The Red Viper's Spear
35 0 35 Peerless Gem +10% to Harass when attacking, +10% to Sabotage when attacking, +6% chance to inflict an additional wound in AvA, Permanent 50 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Taut Composite Bow
Taut Composite Bow
8 0 0 Rare Gem 8% to Aid when attacking Sells for 988 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Ramsay's Legitimacy Papers
Ramsay's Legitimacy Papers
27 27 27 Peerless Gem 4% faster AvA attacks, 4% faster PtP attacks, Permanent
Hand Icon Mistwood Dagger
10 0 0 Rare Gem +6% to Aid when attacking 1495
Hand Icon Spear
10 0 0 Rare Gem +6% to Harass when attacking 1495
Hand Icon Parrying Blade
3 0 0 Uncommon Gem +2% to Battle defenses 380
Hand Icon Heirloom Greatsword
Heirloom Greatsword
8 8 8 Rare Gem +7% damage on PtP attacks ? Gold Icon
Sells for 4914 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Ice, Sword of the North
Greatsword Ice North
50 0 0 Peerless Gem +13% to Battle when attacking, +8% faster completion of all Quests and Adventures, +6% damage during all Boss and Alliance Challenges, +6% more Sword Sword Experience on Battle attacks, Permanent
Hand Icon Sanded Bow
Composite Bow
3 0 0 Uncommon Gem +3% to Aid when attacking Sells for 188 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Spiked Flail
Spiked Morningstar
6 0 0 Uncommon Gem 2100 Silver Icon
Sells for 420 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Hardened Mace
15 0 0 Rare Gem Sells for 1950 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Lightbringer, Red Sword of Heroes
Lightbringer Red Sword of Heroes
41 41 41 Peerless Gem +10% to all attacks, 7% faster completion of all Quests and Adventures, 7% more Silver Icon from Quests, Adventures, and PtP, +4% more Sworn Sword Experience, Permanent
Hand Icon Braavosi Coin
Braavosi Coin
5 10 0 Rare Gem 1% faster Battle attacks on Quests, 2% faster Trade attacks on Quests, Permanent 12 Gold Icon
20800 Silver Icon
Sells for 4160 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Greyjoy Box
Greyjoy Box
13 14 13 Legendary Gem +4% more Silver Icon rewards from encounters with other players, Permanent
Hand Icon Brienne's Wooden Sword
Brienne's Wooden Sword
12 0 0 Rare Gem +5% to Fight when attacking, +5% to Harass when defending, Permanent 12 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Khaleesi Bloodrider's Bow
Aggo's Dragonbone Bow
20 40 0 Peerless Gem +5% to Barter when attacking, +5% to Bribe when attacking, +27% to Trade attacks in the Dragon Queen Tale, Increase Renown gains on Trade Stages in the Dragon Queen Tale by +10%, Permanent
Hand Icon Lord Mormont's Longclaw
Lord Mormont's Longclaw
44 0 0 Peerless Gem +6% to Fight when attacking, +6% to Aid when attacking, +4% more Sworn Sword experience, Permanent
Hand Icon Greatsword
15 0 0 Rare Gem 9750 Silver Icon
Sells for 1950 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Greyjoy Pennant
Greyjoy Pennant
14 14 14 Legendary Gem 4% more Silver Icon rewards from actions on adventures, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Khal Drogo's Blade
Khal Drogo's Blade
43 0 0 Peerless Gem Complete Quests and Adventures 4% faster, Quests, Adventures, and Player to Player provide 4% more silver, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Sells for 14760 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Bloodrider Whip
Bloodrider Whip
17 0 17 Legendary Gem +8% to Harass when attacking, +8% to Steal when attacking, Permanent
Hand Icon Greyjoy Shield
Greyjoy Shield
8 0 0 Rare Gem +5% to Harass when defending, +5% to Aid when defending, Permanent 12 Gold Icon
Sells for 1053 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Night's Watch Horn
Nights Watch Horn
20 19 19 Legendary Gem +25% chance to add +10% Fight for any attack or defense, +50% chance to add +12% to all defenses, Permanent
Hand Icon Dothraki Bola
Dothraki Bola
8 0 8 Rare Gem +2% to Harass when attacking, +2% to Sabotage when attacking, Permanent 7670 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Heavy Warhammer
Heavy Warhammer
20 0 0 Legendary Gem +10% to Fight when attacking Sells for 2700 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Sam's Crossbow
Sam's Crossbow
43 0 23 Peerless Gem +3% to Aid when attacking, +50% chance to add +12% to Aid for any attack or defense, Permanent
Hand Icon Dragonglass Dagger
Dragonglass Dagger
20 20 20 Peerless Gem +10% damage during all Boss and Alliance Challenges, +8% to all attacks in all Tales, Permanent 38 Gold Icon
Sells for 31200 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Unsullied Shortsword
Unsullied Shortsword
8 0 8 Rare Gem +2% to Steal when attacking or defending 12 Gold Icon
7930 Silver Icon
Sells for 1586 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Jon Snow's Hammer
Jon Snow's Hammer
27 27 27 Peerless Gem +7% to Fight when attacking, +3% chance of dealing an extra wound in Alliance vs Alliance against an Alliance that is not a friend, Permanent
Hand Icon The Maiden's Sword
Maiden sword statview
34 0 33 Peerless Gem +7% to all defense, +7% chance of preventing a wound in AvA against a non-friendly alliance, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Golden Sword
Golden Sword
15 15 0 Legendary Gem +6% to Battle when attacking, +6% to Trade when attacking, Permanent 35 Gold Icon
Sells for 5256 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Grand Biting Blade
15 0 0 Rare Gem Sells for 1950 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Goldenwood Greatbow
Goldenwood Greatbow
20 0 0 Legendary Gem +10% to Harass when attacking, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Sells for 2700 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Ice Pick
Wall Climbing Ice Pick
9 0 9 Rare Gem 9360 Silver Icon
Sells for 1872 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Night's Watch Shield
Night's Watch Shield
21 21 0 Legendary Gem +5% to Trade when defending, +8% to Aid when attacking, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Goldenwood Lance
Goldenwood Lance
20 0 0 Legendary Gem +10% to Fight when attacking, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Sells for 2700 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Great Horn
Great Horn
17 17 17 Legendary Gem 2% more Silver Icon from Quests Sells for 10920 Silver Icon
Hand Icon King Robert's Boar Spear
King Robert's Boar Spear
42 21 0 Peerless Gem 5% more Silver Icon from Battle actions on Quests, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Baratheon Insignia Banner
Baratheon Insignia Banner
20 0 0 Legendary Gem +4% to Fight when attacking, Perform Fight actions 4% faster Sells for 12072 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Greyjoy Insignia Banner
Greyjoy Pennant
20 0 0 Legendary Gem +4% to Harass when attacking, Perform Harass actions 4% faster Sells for 12072 Silver Icon
Hand Icon The Father's Scales
Father scales
33 0 34 Peerless Gem +4% more Sworn Sword Experience on Battle attacks, +5% to all AvA Intrigue attacks and defense, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Longbow
10 0 0 Rare Gem +6% to Aid when attacking 1495
Hand Icon Maester's Medicine Chest
Maester's Medicine Chest
15 15 15 Legendary Gem +12% to all defense, Permanent 28 Gold Icon
Sells for 12384 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Taut Longbow
Taut Longbow
20 0 0 Legendary Gem +10% to Aid when attacking Sells for 2700 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Stark Insignia Banner
Stark Insignia Banner
20 0 0 Legendary Gem +4% to Aid when attacking, Perform Aid actions 4% faster Sells for 12072 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Northern King's Poleaxe
Baratheon Poleaxe
40 20 0 Peerless Gem +5% to Fight when attacking, +5% to Harass when attacking, +27% to Battle attacks in The King in the North Tale, Increase Renown gains on Battle Stages in The King in the North Tale by +10%, Permanent
Hand Icon Northern Queen's Medical Kit
Maester's Medicine Chest
20 40 0 Peerless Gem +5% to Barter when attacking, +5% to Bribe when attacking, +27% to Trade attacks in The King in the North Tale, Increase Renown gains on Trade Stages in The King in the North Tale by +10%, Permanent
Hand Icon Longsword
3 0 0 Common Gem 117
Hand Icon Dagger
1 0 0 Common Gem +1% to Harass when attacking 227 Silver Icon
Sells for 45 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Obsidian Sword
Obsidian Sword
15 15 15 Legendary Gem +9% to all attacks, Permanent Sells for 10746 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Swamp Cleaver
3 0 0 Common Gem Sells for 117 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Axe
3 0 0 Uncommon Gem +3% to Harass when attacking 944 Silver Icon
Sells for 188 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Rose-pommel Sword
Rose Pommel Sword
15 0 15 Legendary Gem +6% to Battle when attacking, +6% to Intrigue when attacking, Permanent 35 Gold Icon
Sells for 5184 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Grand Hardened Mace
30 0 0 Legendary Gem Sells for 3600 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Tempest Maul
Morning Star
24 0 0 Legendary Gem +7% to Fight when attacking, +3% chance of dealing an extra wound in AvA against a non-friendly Alliance, Permanent
Hand Icon Robb Stark's Sword
Robb Stark's Sword
44 0 0 Peerless Gem +50% chance to add +12% to Fight for any attack or defense, +50% chance to add +12% to Aid for any attack or defense, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Broadsword
3 0 0 Uncommon Gem +3% to Fight when attacking 944 Silver Icon
Sells for 188 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Hefty Broadsword
Hefty Broadsword
18 0 0 Rare Gem Sells for 2340 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Grand Ice Axe
20 0 0 Legendary Gem +10% to Harass when attacking Sells for 2700 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Sam's Dragonglass Spearhead
Sam's Dragonglass Spearhead
25 25 25 Peerless Gem +6% to all attacks, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Sells for 12564 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Warhammer
10 0 0 Rare Gem 6% to Fight when attacking Sells for 1495 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Salladhor Saan's Sword
Salladhor Sword
31 0 32 Peerless Gem 7% more Silver Icon reward from Intrigue actions on Adventures, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Masterwork Greatsword
Masterwork Greatsword
30 0 0 Legendary Gem Sells for 3600 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Simple Blade
Short Sword
2 0 0 Common Gem Sells for 65 Silver Icon
Hand Icon R'hllor Burning Sword
Burning Sword
45 0 0 Peerless Gem +4% to Battle when attacking, +27% to Battle attacks in the Azor Ahai Reborn Tale, Increase Renown gains on Battle Stages in the Azor Ahai Reborn Tale by +10%, Permanent
Hand Icon Shortsword
Short Sword
1 0 0 Common Gem +1% to Fight when attacking 227 Silver Icon
Sells for 45 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Throwing Knife
1 0 0 Common Gem +1% to Harass when attacking Sells for 45 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Greataxe
15 0 0 Rare Gem 9750 Silver Icon
Sells for 1950 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Burning Sword
Burning Sword
28 28 28 Peerless Gem 5% faster completion of all Adventures, 5% faster completion of all Quests, Permanent 49 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Ancestral Valyrian Steel Greatsword
Ancestral Valyrian Steel Greatsword
25 25 25 Peerless Gem +7% to all attacks, +7% to all defense, Permanent 52 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Wood Shield
Wood Shield
1 0 0 Common Gem +2% to Battle when defending Sells for 195 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Grand Dull Razor
Short Sword
15 0 0 Rare Gem Sells for 1950 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Oberyn's Wine Cup
Oberyn's Wine Cup
20 20 20 Legendary Gem Bonus Seal Slot, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Second Sons Banner
Second Sons Banner
19 19 19 Legendary Gem +2% to all AvA attacks and defense, 2% faster AvA attacks, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon R'hllor Knife
Edge of Terrors
25 0 0 Legendary Gem +3% to Battle when attacking, +17% to Battle attacks in the Azor Ahai Reborn Tale Sells for 4000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Blackfish Gloves
Blackfish Gloves
23 0 0 Legendary Gem +11% to Harass when attacking, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Sells for 3090 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Horn of Winter
Horn of Winter
34 34 0 Peerless Gem +5% damage during all Boss and Alliance Challenges, 4% faster AvA attacks, Permanent
Hand Icon Pike
2 0 0 Uncommon Gem +4% to Battle when defending Sells for 434 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Biting Blade
6 0 0 Uncommon Gem Sells for 420 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Tully Shield
Tully Shield
8 8 0 Rare Gem +2% to Barter when attacking, +5% to Harass when defending, Permanent 12 Gold Icon
Hand Icon R'hllor Axe
Axe of the First Men
15 0 0 Rare Gem +2% to Battle when attacking, +10% to Battle attacks in the Azor Ahai Reborn Tale, +3% to all Adventure Battle attacks Sells for 2000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Grand Shield
Grand Shield
2 0 0 Rare Gem +3% to all defense Sells for 1137 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Jojen's Staff
Jojen's Staff
21 21 21 Peerless Gem 12% chance that a dead Sworn Sword will be immediately replaced with no wait time, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Mace
3 0 0 Common Gem 585 Silver Icon
Sells for 117 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Greatjon Umber's Bare Steel
Greatjon Umber's Bare Steel
31 30 0 Peerless Gem +2% to Battle when defending, +4% to Battle when attacking, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Fiery Heart Shield
Fiery Heart Shield
21 0 21 Legendary Gem +5% to Intrigue when defending, +8% to Fight when attacking, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Sells for 5970 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Weirwood Bow
Weirwood Bow
13 13 0 Rare Gem 16900 Silver Icon
Sells for 3380 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Metal Shield
Hefty Shield
1 0 0 Uncommon Gem +4% to Battle when defending Sells for 391 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Joffrey's Crossbow
Joffrey's Crossbow
35 0 35 Peerless Gem +8% silver loss to target in PtP attacks, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Dragonbone Bow
Dragonbone Bow
20 0 0 Legendary Gem +10% to Aid when attacking, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Sells for 2700 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Arya's Bow
Arya's Bow
34 0 34 Peerless Gem +8% to Aid when attacking, +3% to all PtP Battle attacks and defense, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Sells for 15600 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Reek's Razor
Reek Razor
27 27 27 Peerless Gem Complete adventures 5% faster, Permanent
Hand Icon Yara's Axe
Yara Axe
43 0 23 Peerless Gem +7% to Harass when attacking, 3% more Silver Icon from Quests, Adventures, and PtP, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Azor Ahai's Sword Aflame
Sword Aflame
46 0 0 Peerless Gem +6% to Fight when attacking, +6% to Harass when attacking, 5% faster AvA attacks, Permanent
Hand Icon Club
3 0 0 Common Gem 585 Silver Icon
Sells for 117 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Crystal Sword
Crystal Sword
23 23 23 Legendary Gem +3% more Silver Icon from Adventures Sells for 15480 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Theon's Bow
Theon Bow
43 23 0 Peerless Gem +7% to Aid when attacking, 5% faster Aid attacks on Quests, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Obsidian Dagger
Obsidian Dagger
20 20 20 Legendary Gem +5% to all attacks, Permanent 34 Gold Icon
Sells for 10170 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Ramsay's Hunting Bow
Ramsay's Hunting Bow
40 0 0 Peerless Gem +8% chance of dealing an extra wound in AvA against a non-friendly Alliance, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Stark Sigil Shield
Stark Sigil Shield
8 0 0 Rare Gem 5% to Fight when defending, 5% to Aid when defending, Permanent 12 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Jaime Lannister's Sword and Scabbard
Jaime Lannister's Sword and Scabbard
26 25 25 Peerless Gem +4% to attacks and defenses when initiating or defending PtP, +4% silver loss to target in PtP attacks, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Flayed Man Pennant
Flayed Man Pennant
19 19 19 Legendary Gem +5% chance to increase silver rewards by 100% for any Adventure Intrigue victory, 2% faster PtP attacks, Permanent Sells for 18840 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Steward's Letter
Letter from the Night's Watch
20 0 40 Peerless Gem +5% to Spy when attacking, +5% to Sabotage when attacking, +27% to Intrigue attacks in the Fist of the First Men Tale, Increase Renown gains on Intrigue Stages in the Fist of the First Men Tale by +10%, Permanent
Hand Icon Needle
Arya Needle
42 0 0 Peerless Gem 7% faster Battle attacks, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Sells for 7140 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Shield of the Follower
Shield of the Follower
3 3 3 Common Gem Special Seal Slots (6 total, 3 unlocked), Permanent
Hand Icon Shield of the Believer
Shield of the Believer
5 5 5 Uncommon Gem +1% more Sword Sword Experience, Special Seal Slots (6 total, 3 unlocked), Permanent
Hand Icon Knife of the Watch
Knife of the Watch
12 12 0 Rare Gem +1% to Battle when attacking, +1% to Trade when attacking, +1% chance to inflict an additional wound on a defending Sworn Sword when you win an AvA attack, Permanent
Hand Icon Scorched Greatsword
Scorched Greatsword
17 17 17 Legendary Gem Sells for 6120 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Shield of the Disciple
Shield of the Disciple
11 11 11 Rare Gem +2% more Sworn Sword Experience, Special Seal Slots (6 total, 3 unlocked), Permanent
Hand Icon Blade of the Watch
Blade of the Watch
23 23 0 Legendary Gem +2% to Battle when attacking, +2% to Trade when attacking, +2% chance to inflict an additional wound on a defending Sworn Sword when you win an AvA attack, 2% chance to be removed from AvA garrison when receiving 3rd or 4th wound, Permanent
Hand Icon Greatsword of the Watch
Greatsword of the Watch
34 34 0 Peerless Gem +3% to Battle when attacking, +3% to Trade when attacking, +3% chance to inflict an additional wound on a defending Sworn Sword when you win an AvA attack, 3% chance to be removed from AvA garrison when receiving 3rd or 4th wound, Permanent
Hand Icon Aegis of the Faith
Aegis of the Faith
20 20 20 Legendary Gem +3% more Sworn Sword Experience, Special Seal Slots (6 total, 3 unlocked), Permanent
Hand Icon Daario's Curved Blade
Daario's Curved Blade
30 30 0 Peerless Gem 7% more Silver Icon rewards from encounters with other players, Permanent 38 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Aegis of the Old Ways
Aegis of the Old Ways
35 0 0 Peerless Gem +5% to Battle when defending, +2% to Battle when attacking, +4% more Sworn Sword Experience on Battle attacks, Sworn Swords recover from wounds 5% faster, Special Seal Slots (6 total, 3 unlocked), Permanent
Hand Icon Daario's Straight Blade
Daario's Straight Blade
30 30 0 Peerless Gem +7% more Silver Icon reward from Adventures, Permanent 38 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Valyrian Steel Dagger
Valyrian Steel Dagger
20 20 20 Legendary Gem 5% more Silver Icon from Quests, Adventures, and PtP, Permanent Sells for 19200 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Harnessed Dragonfire
Harnessed Dragonfire
20 0 20 Legendary Gem +8% to Harass when attacking, +8% to Sabotage when attacking Sells for 5280 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Nocturnal Bow
Dragonbone Bow
24 0 0 Legendary Gem +6% to Aid when attacking, Speed up Aid attacks for Alliance vs Alliance by +3%, Permanent
Hand Icon Ranger's Hammer
Jon Snow's Hammer
40 0 20 Peerless Gem +7% to Fight when attacking, +27% to Battle attacks in the Fist of the First Men Tale, Increase Renown gains on Battle Stages in the Fist of the First Men Tale by +10%, Permanent
Hand Icon Censered Mace
Censered Mace
13 0 13 Rare Gem 16900 Silver Icon
Sells for 3380 Silver Icon
Hand Icon The Hound's Gauntlets
The Hound's Gauntlets
34 0 34 Peerless Gem +4% to Battle when attacking, +6% to Steal when attacking, Permanent
Hand Icon The Mountain's Gauntlets
The Mountain's Gauntlets
40 0 0 Peerless Gem +2% to Battle when attacking, 4% faster Battle attacks in AvA, 4% faster completion of Battle actions for Player to Player, Permanent
Hand Icon Grand Weighted Club
3 0 0 Uncommon Gem +3% to Fight when attacking Sells for 188 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Morning Star
Morning Star
6 0 0 Uncommon Gem 2100 Silver Icon
Sells for 420 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Gendry's Sword
Gendry's Sword
25 25 25 Peerless Gem +5% to all Adventure attacks, +5% more silver from Adventures, +3% more Sworn Sword Experience, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Ceremonial Bowl
Ceremonial Bowl
2 2 2 Uncommon Gem 1% more Silver Icon from Quests 3009
Hand Icon Bronn's Sword
Bronn's Sword
43 0 0 Peerless Gem 4% faster PtP attacks, 3% faster AvA attacks, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon A History of the Great Sieges of Westeros
History of Great Sieges
14 14 15 Legendary Gem +4% damage during all Boss and Alliance Challenges, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Ice Axe
10 0 0 Rare Gem +6% to Harass when attacking 1495
Hand Icon Arakh
15 0 0 Rare Gem 9750 Silver Icon
Sells for 1950 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Harpy Whip
Harpy Whip
20 50 20 Peerless Gem +3% to attacks and defenses when initiating or defending PtP, Permanent 49 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Yunkai Pennant
Yunkai Pennant
14 14 14 Legendary Gem 4% more Silver Icon from Battle actions on adventures, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Lion's Tooth
Lion's Tooth
25 25 0 Peerless Gem 15% to Aid when defending, 15% to Bribe when defending, Permanent 35 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Dornish Bow
Dornish Bow
8 0 8 Rare Gem +2% to Aid when attacking, +2% to Sabotage when attacking, Permanent 7670 Silver Icon
Sells for 1534 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Daario's Flowers
Daario's Flowers
21 0 21 Legendary Gem +8% to Aid when attacking, +8% to Sabotage when attacking, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Sells for 5520 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Braavosi Sword
Braavosi Sword
19 0 18 Legendary Gem +9% to Harass when attacking, +8% to Steal when attacking 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon King Joffrey's Banner
King Joffrey's Banner
17 17 17 Legendary Gem +4% more Silver Icon reward from Quests and Adventures, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Harpy Knife
Harpy Knife
20 20 0 Legendary Gem +4% to Fight when attacking or defending, +4% to Barter when attacking or defending, 2% faster PtP attacks, Permanent
Hand Icon Nymeria's Whip
Nymeria's Whip
33 0 34 Peerless Gem +5% to Harass when attacking or defending, +5% to Steal when attacking or defending, +6% chance to increase silver rewards by 100% for any Player to Player victory, Permanent
Hand Icon Dueling Sword
Braavosi Sword
12 0 0 Rare Gem +3% to Harass when attacking Sells for 1618 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Braavosi Pirate Crossbow
Joffreys Crossbow Deluxe
25 0 0 Legendary Gem +5% to Harass when attacking Sells for ? Silver Icon
Hand Icon Tyrion's Shield
Tyrion's Shield
34 34 0 Peerless Gem +50% chance to add +12% to Aid for any attack or defense, +50% chance to add +12% to Swindle for any attack or defense, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Obara's Spear
Obara's Spear
44 0 0 Peerless Gem +3% to Battle when attacking, 5% faster Fight attacks, 5% faster Harass attacks, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Bolton Map Markers
Bolton Map Markers
18 18 18 Legendary Gem +5% chance of dealing an extra wound in AvA against a non-friendly Alliance, 2% faster AvA attacks, Permanent ? Gold Icon
Hand Icon Grey Worm's Spear
Grey Worm's Spear
44 0 0 Peerless Gem 9% faster Harass attacks, Permanent
Hand Icon Free Folk's Climbing Pick
Wall Climbing Ice Pick
25 0 10 Legendary Gem +4% to Harass when attacking, +4% to Aid when attacking, +17% to Battle attacks in The Free Folk Tale Sells for 4000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Free Folk's Horn
Great Horn
10 0 25 Legendary Gem +4% to Spy when attacking, +4% to Sabotage when attacking, +17% to Intrigue attacks in The Free Folk Tale Sells for 4000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Free Folk's Bow
Weirwood Bow
12 0 12 Rare Gem +10% to Battle attacks in The Free Folk Tale, +10% to Intrigue attacks in The Free Folk Tale, +2% more Silver Icon from Adventures Sells for 2000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Riverlands Looted Shield
Tully Shield
25 0 10 Legendary Gem +4% to Harass when attacking, +4% to Aid when attacking, +16% to Battle attacks in the Arya and the Hound Tale Sells for 4000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Riverlands Stolen Silver
10 0 25 Legendary Gem +4% to Spy when attacking, +4% to Steal when attacking, +16% to Intrigue attacks in the Arya and the Hound Tale Sells for 4000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Free Folk's Dragonglass Dagger
Dragonglass Dagger
40 0 20 Peerless Gem +5% to Harass when attacking, +5% to Aid when attacking, +27% to Battle attacks in The Free Folk Tale, Increase Renown gains on Battle Stages in The Free Folk Tale by +10%, Permanent
Hand Icon Free Folk's Bone Staff
Lord of Bones's Staff
20 0 40 Peerless Gem +7% to Spy when attacking, +27% to Intrigue attacks in The Free Folk Tale, Increase Renown gains on Intrigue Stages in The Free Folk Tale by +10%, Permanent
Hand Icon Riverlands Net
12 0 12 Rare Gem +10% to Battle attacks in the Arya and the Hound Tale, +10% to Intrigue attacks in the Arya and the Hound Tale, +4% to all Quest attacks Sells for 2000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Freed Unsullied Sword
Greyworm Sword
40 0 20 Peerless Gem +5% to Fight when attacking, +5% to Aid when attacking, +27% to Battle attacks in the Slaver's Bay Tale, Increase Renown gains on Battle Stages in the Slaver's Bay Tale by +10%, Permanent
Hand Icon The Mountain's Greatsword
The Mountain's Greatsword
40 0 0 Peerless Gem +6% Silver Icon for winning an attack, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Queen's Harpy Whip
Harpy Whip
20 0 40 Peerless Gem +5% to Sabotage when attacking, +5% to Steal when attacking, +27% to Intrigue attacks in the Slaver's Bay Tale, Increase Renown gains on Intrigue Stages in the Slaver's Bay Tale by +10%, Permanent
Hand Icon The Mountain's Lance
The Mountain's Lance
40 0 0 Peerless Gem 5% more Silver Icon from Battle actions on quests, 4% faster completion of Battle actions on quests, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon The Hound's Shield
The Hound's Shield
43 23 0 Peerless Gem +3% to all defense, Lose 5% less Silver Icon on any unsuccessful PtP defense or attack, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon The Mountain's Shield
The Mountain's Shield
40 0 0 Peerless Gem +2% to Battle when defending, 5% more Silver Icon from Battle actions on adventures, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Widow's Wail
Widow's Wail
30 30 30 Peerless Gem +5% to Trade when defending, +3% to Intrigue when defending, +5% to Battle when attacking, +3% to Intrigue when attacking, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Styr's Axe
Styr's Axe
44 0 0 Peerless Gem +12% to Fight when attacking, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Craster's Hand Axe
Craster Axe
40 0 0 Peerless Gem +15% to Harass when attacking, Battle actions complete 4% faster, Permanent 49 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Areo's Longaxe
Areo's Longaxe
43 23 0 Peerless Gem +8% to Aid when attacking, 5% faster Aid attacks, 7% faster Trade attacks on Quests, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Sells for 20160 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Bastard Sword
Bastard Sword
6 0 0 Uncommon Gem 2100 Silver Icon
Sells for 420 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Sam's Thimble
Sam Thimble
28 28 28 Peerless Gem +6% to all defense, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Ygritte's Fletching Kit
Ygritte's Fletching Kit
21 20 0 Legendary Gem +8% to Harass when attacking, +8% to Barter when attacking, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Sells for 5400 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Tyene's Dagger
Tyene's Dagger
23 0 43 Peerless Gem +5% to Harass when attacking, +5% to Sabotage when attacking, +4% chance to inflict an additional wound on a defending Sworn Sword when you win a Player to Player attack, +4% chance to inflict an additional wound on a defending Sworn Sword when you win an AvA attack, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Joffrey's Mourning Banner
Joffrey's Mourning Banner
17 17 17 Legendary Gem 4% faster gain of a Sworn Sword to replace a dead one, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Lord Mormont's Skull
Lord Mormont's Skull
35 0 35 Peerless Gem +4% chance to prevent a wound on a Sworn Sword when failing an Alliance vs Alliance attack, +5% damage during Boss Challenges, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Podrick's Axe
Podrick's Axe
24 24 24 Peerless Gem 5% faster attacks, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Oathkeeper
42 0 0 Peerless Gem +10% to Fight when attacking, +10% to Aid when attacking, Complete Quests and Adventures 5% faster, Permanent 50 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Baratheon Poleaxe
Baratheon Poleaxe
23 23 0 Legendary Gem +5% to Fight when attacking, +5% to Bribe when attacking, +4% damage during all Boss and Alliance Challenges, 4% more Silver Icon from Quests, Permanent
Hand Icon Sam's Broadsword
Sam's Broadsword
40 0 0 Peerless Gem +10% to Aid when attacking, +50% to add +12% to Fight for any attack or defense, +5% more Sworn Sword Experience, Permanent
Hand Icon Ser Barristan's Sword
Ser Barristan's Sword
40 0 0 Peerless Gem +6% to Battle when attacking, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Westerosi Steel
7 7 7 Rare Gem +1% to all attacks, Permanent
Hand Icon Victim's Revenge
Victim's Revenge
25 0 45 Peerless Gem +3% chance to inflict an additional wound on a defending Sworn Sword when you win an Alliance vs Alliance attack, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Ornate Carving Knife
Lockes Knife
21 0 0 Peerless Gem +1% to Fight when attacking, +10% to Harass when attacking, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Outlaw's Dagger
Outlaw's Dagger
40 0 20 Peerless Gem +5% to Fight when attacking, +5% to Harass when attacking, +27% to Battle attacks in the Arya and the Hound Tale, Increase Renown gains on Battle Stages in the Arya and the Hound Tale by +10%, Permanent
Hand Icon Brotherhood Lute
Bael the Bard's Lute
20 0 40 Peerless Gem +5% to Spy when attacking, +5% to Steal when attacking, +27% to Intrigue attacks in the Arya and the Hound Tale, Increase Renown gains on Intrigue Stages in the Arya and the Hound Tale by +10%, Permanent
Hand Icon The Hound's Sword
The Hound's Sword
42 0 0 Peerless Gem +9% to Fight when attacking, 6% faster gain of a Sworn Sword to replace a dead one, Permanent
Hand Icon Jailer's Keys
Jailer's Keys
8 0 8 Rare Gem +8% to Spy when attacking 8060 Silver Icon
Sells for 1612 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Sap
8 0 8 Rare Gem +8% to Fight when attacking, Permanent 12 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Bloody Blade
Bloody Blade
19 0 19 Legendary Gem +8% to Harass when attacking, +8% to Sabotage when attacking, Permanent
Hand Icon City Watch Sword
City Watch Sword
22 0 22 Legendary Gem +8% to Sabotage when attacking, Permanent
Hand Icon Wildling Scythe
Wildling Scythe
24 0 0 Legendary Gem +5% damage during Battle attacks on all Challenges and World Events, Bonus Seal Slot, Permanent 23 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Khal Drogo's Dagger
Khal Drogo's Dagger
32 0 32 Peerless Gem +7% to Harass when attacking, Increase Silver Icon earned for camps from AvA Steal attack victories by +5%, Permanent
Hand Icon Samwell's Quill
Samwell's Quill
48 0 0 Peerless Gem +8% to Aid when attacking or defending, 10% faster Aid attacks on Adventures. Permanent. 50 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Ser Barristan's Dagger
Ser Barristan's Dagger
34 34 0 Peerless Gem 5% faster Battle attacks, +5% more Sworn Sword Experience on Trade attacks, +5% Silver Icon for winning an attack, Permanent
Hand Icon Aggo's Dragonbone Bow
Aggo's Dragonbone Bow
43 23 0 Peerless Gem +12% to Aid when attacking, Permanent
Hand Icon Rakharo's Silver-Handled Whip
Rakharo's Silver-Handled Whip
43 23 0 Peerless Gem +4% to Harass when attacking, 3% faster Harass attacks, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Kovarro's Great Arakh
Kovarro's Great Arakh
43 23 0 Peerless Gem +4% to Fight when attacking, +50% chance to add +12% Fight for any attack or defense, Permanent 45 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Citadel Chamber Pot
Citadel Chamber Pot
40 40 40 Peerless Gem +7% damage during all Boss and Alliance Challenges, +6% more Character Experience on attacks. Permanent. 50 Gold Icon
Sells for 31200 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Homemade Soldier's Wine
Homemade Soldier's Wine
30 30 30 Peerless Gem Increase Renown gains on all stages in all Tales by +5%. Permanent. Sells for 30000 Silver Icon
Hand Icon Scorched Greataxe
20 0 0 Legendary Gem +2% to all AvA Battle attacks and defense, +2% to all PtP Battle attacks and defence Sells for ? Silver Icon
Hand Icon Spell-Forged Blade
Spell-Forged Blade
9 9 9 Rare Gem +2% Silver Icon for winning and attack, Special Seal Slots (6 total, 3 unlocked), Permanent
Hand Icon Spell-Forged Longsword
Spell-Forged Longsword
10 10 10 Rare Gem +1% to all attacks, +1% to all defense, +2% Silver Icon for winning and attack, Special Seal Slots (6 total, 3 unlocked), Permanent
Hand Icon Valyrian Steel Longsword
Valyrian Steel Longsword
13 13 13 Legendary Gem +1% to all attacks, +1% to all defense, +4% Silver Icon for winning an attack, Special Seal Slots (6 total, 3 unlocked), Permanent
Hand Icon Valyrian Steel Bastard Sword
Valyrian Steel Bastard Sword
15 15 15 Legendary Gem +2% to all attacks, +2% to all defense, +5% Silver Icon for winning an attack, Special Seal Slots (6 total, 3 unlocked), Permanent
Hand Icon Valyrian Steel Arakh
Valyrian Steel Arakh
31 0 0 Peerless Gem +3% to Battle when defending, +7% to Fight when attacking, +7% Silver Icon for winning an attack, Special Seal Slots (6 total, 3 unlocked), Permanent
Hand Icon Arya's Poisoned Arbor Wine
Arya's Poisoned Arbor Wine
52 0 0 Peerless Gem +6% more Character Experience on Battle attacks. Permanent. 50 Gold Icon
Hand Icon Restricted Maester Rulebook
Restricted Maester Rulebook
43 0 0 File:Peerlees Gem.png 7% Faster Aid Attacks, Sworn Swords recover from wounds 7% faster. Permanent. 50 Gold Icon

All items (346)