Game of Thrones: Ascent Wiki
Type Name Battle Icon Trade Icon Intrigue Icon Quality Special Silver Icon/Gold Icon/Presige-Icon
Seal Icon Jaqen H'ghar's Insignia
Jaqen H'ghar's Insignia
8 0 8 Peerless Gem +1% chance to inflict an additional wound on a defending Sworn Sword when you win an AvA attack 15 Gold Icon
Sells for 3120 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Stannis Baratheon's Insignia
Stannis Baratheon's Insignia
3 0 0 Peerless Gem +4% to all AvA Battle attacks and defense 15 Gold Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Patron's Seal of Looting
Patron's Seal of Looting
0 0 3 Legendary Gem +2% to Steal when attacking or defending, Increase silver earned for camps from AvA Steal attack victories by +1% Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Seal of Daznak's Pit
Seal of Daznak's Pit
3 3 0 Legendary Gem +1% to Fight when attacking or defending, +1% to Barter when attacking or defending, +1% chance of dealing an extra wound in AvA against a non-friendly Alliance, 1% faster PtP Trade attacks 10 Gold Icon
Seal Icon Rare Patron's Seal of Looting
Patron's Seal of Looting
0 0 2 Rare Gem +1% to Steal when attacking or defending, Increase silver earned for camps from AvA Steal attack victories by +1% Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Patron's Seal of Provisions
Patron's Seal of Provisions
0 3 0 Legendary Gem +2% to Barter when attacking or defending, Increase silver earned for camps from AvA Barter attack victories by +1% Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Rare Patron's Seal of the Impostor
Patron's Seal of the Impostor
0 2 0 Rare Gem +1% to Swindle when attacking or defending, Increase silver earned for camps from AvA Swindle attack victories by +1% Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Patron's Seal of the Impostor
Patron's Seal of the Impostor
0 3 0 Legendary Gem +2% to Swindle when attacking or defending, Increase silver earned for camps from AvA Swindle attack victories by +1% Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Patron's Seal of the Impostor
Patron's Seal of the Impostor
0 4 0 Peerless Gem +3% to Swindle when attacking or defending, Increase silver earned for camps from AvA Swindle attack victories by +1% Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Seal of Hiding
Legendary Seal of Hiding
0 0 0 Legendary Gem When Sworn Sword has 1 wound or more, gain 4% chance to not participate in any given assigned AvA garrison Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Grand Seal of Resilience
Grand Seal of Resilience
3 3 3 Peerless Gem +1% chance to ignore the second wound from a critical hit in Alliance vs Alliance, +1% chance to ignore the second wound from a critical hit in Player to Player Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Rare Seal of Hiding
Rare Seal of Hiding
0 0 0 Rare Gem When Sworn Sword has 1 wound or more, gain 3% chance to not participate in any given assigned AvA garrison 2
Seal Icon Peerless Gravedigger's Seal
Peerless Gravedigger's Seal
4 4 4 Peerless Gem +1% chance of dealing an extra wound in Alliance vs Alliance against an Alliance that is not a friend Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Seal of Aggressive Charge
Seal of Aggressive Charge
3 3 3 Peerless Gem +1% chance to inflict an additional wound on a defending Sworn Sword when you win an Alliance vs Alliance attack, +1% chance to inflict an additional wound on a defending Sworn Sword when you win a Player to Player attack Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Seal of Parrying Warfare
Seal of Parrying Warfare
2 2 2 Legendary Gem +1% chance to prevent a wound on a Sworn Sword when failing an Alliance vs Alliance attack Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Spiked Seal of Warfare
Spiked Seal of Warfare
4 4 4 Peerless Gem +1% chance to wound a hostile attacking Sworn Sword when you lose a defense in Alliance vs Alliance Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Seal of Skulking
Legendary Seal of Skulking
0 0 0 Legendary Gem When Sworn Swords has 4 wounds, gain 4% chance to not participate in any given assigned AvA garrison Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Benjen Stark's Insignia
Benjen Stark Insignia
3 0 3 Peerless Gem +3% to Battle when attacking, +3% to Intrigue when attacking, 1% chance to be removed from AvA garrison when receiving any wound. 15 Gold Icon
Sells for 2570 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Olly's Insignia
Olly's Insignia
4 0 0 Legendary Gem +2% to Aid when attacking or defending, 1% faster AvA Aid attacks 10 Gold Icon
Seal Icon Maggy the Frog Insignia
Maggy the Frog Insignia
0 0 4 Legendary Gem +2% to Spy when attacking or defending, 1% faster AvA Spy attacks 10 Gold Icon
Seal Icon Rare Spiked Seal of Conflict
Spiked Seal of Conflict
4 4 4 Peerless Gem +1% chance to wound a hostile attacking Sworn Sword when you lose a defense in AvA
Seal Icon Peerless Patron's Seal of Provisions
Patron's Seal of Provisions
0 4 0 Peerless Gem +3% to Barter when attacking or defending, Increase silver earned for camps from AvA Barter attack victories by +1% Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Patron's Seal of Looting
Patron's Seal of Looting
0 0 4 Peerless Gem +3% to Steal when attacking or defending, Increase silver earned for camps from AvA Steal attack victories by +1% Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Rare Patron's Seal of Provisions
Patron's Seal of Provisions
0 2 0 Rare Gem +1% to Barter when attacking or defending, Increase silver earned for camps from AvA Barter attack victories by +1% Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Raven's Seal of Warfare
Raven's Seal of Warfare
4 4 4 Peerless Gem 1% faster AvA attacks 15 Gold Icon
Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Raven's Seal of Warfare
Raven's Seal of Warfare
2 2 2 Legendary Gem Speed up all attacks for Alliance vs Alliance by +1% Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Grand Seal of Dodging
Grand Seal of Dodging
3 3 3 Peerless Gem +1% chance to prevent a wound when failing an AvA defense, +1% chance to prevent a wound on a Sworn Sword when failing a Player to Player defense 15 Gold Icon
Seal Icon Swift Soldier's Seal of Warfare
Swift Soldier's Seal of Warfare
5 0 0 Peerless Gem +1% to Fight when attacking or defending, 2% faster AvA Fight attacks Sells for 4250 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Swift Medic's Seal of Warfare
Swift Medic's Seal of Warfare
5 0 0 Peerless Gem +1% to Aid when attacking or defending, 2% faster AvA Aid attacks Sells for 4250 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Lyanna Stark's Insignia
Lyanna Stark's Insignia
3 0 0 Peerless Gem +3% to Aid when attacking or defending, +2% more health recovered from your AvA Aid attacks 18 Gold Icon
Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Swift Seal of Subversive Warfare
Swift Seal of Subversive Warfare
0 0 5 Peerless Gem +1% to Sabotage when attacking or defending, 2% faster AvA Sabotage attacks
Seal Icon Insignia of the Targaryen Kingsguard
Insignia of the Targaryen Kingsguard
5 5 5 Peerless Gem +5% damage during all Boss and Alliance Challenges, +1% more Character Experience on attacks 18 Gold Icon
Sells for 10600 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Alliser Thorne's Insignia
Alliser Thorne's Insignia
5 0 5 Peerless Gem +1% to Battle when attacking, +1% to Intrigue when attacking, +2% chance to inflict an additional wound in AvA. 18 Gold Icon
Sells for 4530 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Swift Bandit's Seal of Warfare
Swift Bandit's Seal of Warfare
5 0 0 Peerless Gem +1% to Harass when attacking or defending. 2% faster AvA Harass attacks.
Seal Icon Swift Schemer's Seal of Warfare
Collaborator's Seal of Warfare
0 0 5 Peerless Gem +1% to Spy when attacking or defending, +2% faster AvA Spy attacks Sells for 4250 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Swift Looter's Seal of Warfare
Looter's Seal of Warfare
0 0 5 Peerless Gem +1% to Steal when attacking or defending, 2% faster AvA Steal attacks Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Swift Provisioner's Seal of Warfare
Provisioner's Seal of Warfare
0 5 0 Peerless Gem +1% to Barter when attacking or defending, 2% faster AvA Barter attacks Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Howland Reed's Insignia
Howland Reed's Insignia
2 0 0 Peerless Gem +3% to Harass when attacking, 1% faster Harass attacks, +2% more health recovered from your AvA Harass attacks. 18 Gold Icon
Seal Icon Swift Grafter's Seal of Warfare
Swift Grafter's Seal of Warfare
0 5 0 Peerless Gem +1% to Bribe when attacking or defending, 2% faster AvA Bribe attacks. Sells for 4250 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Rare Schemer's Seal of Warfare
Schemer's Seal of Warfare
0 0 3 Rare Gem Speed up Spy attacks for Alliance vs Alliance by +1% 6 Gold Icon
Sells for 2140 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Schemer's Seal of Warfare
Collaborator's Seal of Warfare
0 0 4 Legendary Gem +1% to Spy when attacking or defending, 1% faster AvA Spy attacks 10 Gold Icon
Sells for 2190 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Schemer's Seal of Conflict
Collaborator's Seal of Conflict
0 0 5 Peerless Gem +2% to Spy when attacking or defending, Speed up Spy attacks for Alliance vs Alliance by +1% Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Schemer's Seal of Warfare
Collaborator's Seal of Warfare
0 0 5 Peerless Gem +2% to Spy when attacking or defending, Speed up Spy attacks for Alliance vs Alliance by +1% Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Seal of Subversive Warfare
Seal of Subversive Warfare
0 0 5 Peerless Gem +2% to Sabotage when attacking or defending, Speed up Sabotage attacks for Alliance vs Alliance by +1% Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Seal of Subversive Warfare
Seal of Subversive Warfare
0 0 4 Legendary Gem +1% to Sabotage when attacking or defending, Speed up Sabotage attacks for Alliance vs Alliance by +1% Sells for 2190 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Rare Seal of Subversive Warfare
Seal of Subversive Warfare
0 0 3 Rare Gem Speed up Sabotage attacks for Alliance vs Alliance by +1% 6 Gold Icon
Sells for 2140 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Grand Seal of Parrying
Grand Seal of Parrying
3 3 3 Peerless Gem +1% chance to prevent a wound on a Sworn Sword when failing an Alliance vs Alliance attack, +1% chance to prevent a wound on a Sworn Sword when failing a Player to Player attack Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Seal of Resilient Warfare
Seal of Resilient Warfare
4 4 4 Peerless Gem +1% chance to ignore the second wound from a critical hit in Alliance vs Alliance Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Seal of Barrier
Peerless Seal of Barrier
4 4 4 Peerless Gem +1% chance of preventing wound in Alliance vs Alliance against an Alliance that is not a friend Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Gravedigger's Seal
Legendary Gravedigger's Seal
2 2 2 Legendary Gem +1% chance of dealing an extra wound in Alliance vs Alliance against an Alliance that is not a friend Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Rare Gravedigger's Seal
Rare Gravedigger's Seal
0 0 0 Rare Gem +1% chance of dealing an extra wound in Alliance vs Alliance against an Alliance that is not a friend Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Grand Seal of Resilience
Grand Seal of Resilience
1 1 1 Legendary Gem +1% chance to ignore the second wound from a critical hit in Alliance vs Alliance, +1% chance to ignore the second wound from a critical hit in Player to Player Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Charging Seal of Warfare
Charging Seal of Warfare
4 4 4 Peerless Gem +1% chance to inflict an additional wound on a defending Sworn Sword when you win an Alliance vs Alliance attack Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Charging Seal of Warfare
Charging Seal of Warfare
2 2 2 Legendary Gem +1% chance to inflict an additional wound on a defending Sworn Sword when you win an Alliance vs Alliance attack Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Spiked Seal of Warfare
Spiked Seal of Warfare
2 2 2 Legendary Gem +1% chance to wound a hostile attacking Sworn Sword when you lose a defense in Alliance vs Alliance Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Seal of Dodging Warfare
Seal of Dodging Warfare
2 2 2 Legendary Gem +1% chance to prevent a wound on a Sworn Sword when failing an Alliance vs Alliance defense Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Rare Seal of Concealment
Rare Seal of Concealment
0 0 0 Rare Gem When (a) Sworn Sword has 3 wounds or more, gain 3% chance to not participate in any given assigned AvA garrison Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Uncommon Seal of Hiding
Uncommon Seal of Hiding
0 0 0 Uncommon Gem When Sworn Sword has 1 wound or more, gain 2% chance to not participate in any given assigned AvA garrison Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Seal of Resilient Warfare
Seal of Resilient Warfare
2 2 2 Legendary Gem +1% chance to ignore the second wound from a critical hit in Alliance vs Alliance Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Common Seal of Hiding
Common Seal of Hiding
0 0 0 Common Gem When Sworn Sword has 1 wound or more, gain 1% chance to not participate in any given assigned AvA garrison Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Rare Seal of Cover
Rare Seal of Cover
0 0 0 Rare Gem When Sworn Sword has 2 wounds or more, gain 3% chance to not participate in any given assigned AvA garrison Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Seal of Aggressive Charge
Seal of Aggressive Charge
1 1 1 Legendary Gem +1% chance to inflict an additional wound on a defending Sworn Sword when you win an Alliance vs Alliance attack, +1% chance to inflict an additional wound on a defending Sworn Sword when you win a Player to Player attack Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Uncommon Seal of Cover
Uncommon Seal of Cover
0 0 0 Uncommon Gem When Sworn Sword has 2 wounds or more, gain 2% chance to not participate in any given assigned AvA garrison Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Common Seal of Cover
Common Seal of Cover
0 0 0 Common Gem When Sworn Sword has 2 wounds or more, gain 1% chance to not participate in any given assigned AvA garrison Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Uncommon Seal of Concealment
Uncommon Seal of Concealment
0 0 0 Uncommon Gem When Sworn Sword has 3 wounds or more, gain 2% chance to not participate in any assigned AvA garrison Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Common Seal of Concealment
Common Seal of Concealment
0 0 0 Common Gem When Sworn Sword has 3 wounds or more, gain 2% chance to not participate in any assigned AvA garrison Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Rare Seal of Skulking
Rare Seal of Skulking
0 0 0 Rare Gem When Sworn Sword has 4 wounds, gain 3% chance to not participate in any given assigned AvA garrison Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Seal of Barrier
Legendary Seal of Barrier
2 2 2 Legendary Gem +1% chance of preventing wound in Alliance vs Alliance against an Alliance that is not a friend Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Uncommon Seal of Skulking
Uncommon Seal of Skulking
0 0 0 Uncommon Gem When Sworn Sword has 4 wounds, gain 2% chance to not participate in any given assigned AvA garrison Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Rare Seal of Barrier
Rare Seal of Barrier
0 0 0 Rare Gem +1% chance of preventing wound in Alliance vs Alliance against an Alliance that is not a friend Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Common Seal of Skulking
Common Seal of Skulking
0 0 0 Common Gem When Sworn Sword has 4 wounds, gain 1% chance to not participate in any given assigned AvA garrison Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Rare Raven's Seal of Warfare
Raven's Seal of Warfare
1 1 1 Rare Gem Speed up all attacks for Alliance vs Alliance by +1% Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Rare Seal of Resilient Warfare
Seal of Resilient Warfare
0 0 0 Rare Gem +1% chance to ignore the second wound from a critical hit in Alliance vs Alliance Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Rare Looter's Seal of Warfare
Looter's Seal of Warfare
0 0 3 Rare Gem Speed up Steal attacks for Alliance vs Alliance by +1% 6 Gold Icon
Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Seal of the Iron Islands
Seal of the Iron Islands
3 0 0 Legendary Gem +2% to Harass when attacking or defending, 1% faster AvA Harass attacks 11 Gold Icon
Sells for 2190 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Looter's Seal of Warfare
Looter's Seal of Warfare
0 0 4 Legendary Gem +1% to Steal when attacking or defending, 1% faster AvA Steal attacks 10 Gold Icon
Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Looter's Seal of Warfare
Looter's Seal of Warfare
0 0 5 Peerless Gem +2% to Steal when attacking or defending, Speed up Steal attacks for Alliance vs Alliance by +1% Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Mark of the Children
Mark of the Children
0 0 3 Legendary Gem +3% to Spy when defending, 1% chance to be removed from AvA garrison when receiving 2nd, 3rd, or 4th wound 10 Gold Icon
Sells for 2135 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Mark of the Giants
Mark of the Giants
3 0 0 Legendary Gem +1% to Battle when defending, +3% to all AvA defense 10 Gold Icon
Seal Icon Rare Soldier's Seal of Warfare
Soldier's Seal of Warfare
4 0 0 Rare Gem 1% faster AvA Fight attacks 6 Gold Icon
Sells for 2140 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Soldier's Seal of Warfare
Soldier's Seal of Warfare
4 0 0 Legendary Gem +1% to Fight when attacking or defending, 1% faster AvA Fight attacks 10 Gold Icon
Sells for 2190 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Soldier's Seal of Warfare
Soldier's Seal of Warfare
5 0 0 Peerless Gem +2% to Fight when attacking or defending, Speed up Fight attacks for Alliance vs Alliance by +1% Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Seal of the Dreadfort
Seal of the Dreadfort
0 0 3 Legendary Gem +2% to Sabotage when attacking or defending, 1% faster AvA Sabotage attacks 11 Gold Icon
Seal Icon Rare Bandit's Seal of Warfare
Bandit's Seal of Warfare
3 0 0 Rare Gem Speed up Harass attacks for Alliance vs Alliance by +1% 6 Gold Icon
Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Bandit's Seal of Warfare
Bandit's Seal of Warfare
4 0 0 Legendary Gem +1% to Harass when attacking or defending, 1% faster AvA Harass attacks 10 Gold Icon
Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Bandit's Seal of Warfare
Bandit's Seal of Warfare
5 0 0 Peerless Gem +2% to Harass when attacking or defending, Speed up Harass attacks for Alliance vs Alliance by +1% Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Medic's Seal of Warfare
Medic's Seal of Warfare
5 0 0 Peerless Gem +2% to Aid when attacking or defending, Speed up Aid attacks for Alliance vs Alliance by +1% Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Medic's Seal of Warfare
Medic's Seal of Warfare
4 0 0 Legendary Gem +1% to Aid when attacking or defending, 1% faster AvA Aid attacks 10 Gold Icon
Sells for 2160 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Rare Medic's Seal of Warfare
Medic's Seal of Warfare
3 0 0 Rare Gem Speed up Aid attacks for Alliance vs Alliance by +1% 6 Gold Icon
Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Provisioner's Seal of Warfare
Provisioner's Seal of Warfare
0 5 0 Peerless Gem +2% to Barter when attacking or defending, Speed up Barter attacks for Alliance vs Alliance by +1% Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Provisioner's Seal of Warfare
Provisioner's Seal of Warfare
0 4 0 Legendary Gem +1% to Barter when attacking or defending, 1% faster AvA Barter attacks 10 Gold Icon
Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Rare Provisioner's Seal of Warfare
Provisioner's Seal of Warfare
0 4 0 Rare Gem 1% faster AvA Barter attacks 6 Gold Icon
Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Rare Impostor's Seal of Warfare
Impostor's Seal of Warfare
0 4 0 Rare Gem 1% faster AvA Swindle attacks 6 Gold Icon
Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Impostor's Seal of Warfare
Impostor's Seal of Warfare
0 5 0 Peerless Gem +2% to Swindle when attacking or defending, Speed up Swindle attacks for Alliance vs Alliance by +1% Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Impostor's Seal of Warfare
Impostor's Seal of Warfare
0 4 0 Legendary Gem +1% to Swindle when attacking or defending, 1% faster AvA Swindle attacks 10 Gold Icon
Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Grafter's Seal of Warfare
Grafter's Seal of Warfare
0 4 0 Legendary Gem +1% to Bribe when attacking or defending, 1% faster AvA Bribe attacks 10 Gold Icon
Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Grafter's Seal of Warfare
Grafter's Seal of Warfare
0 5 0 Peerless Gem +2% to Bribe when attacking or defending, Speed up Bribe attacks for Alliance vs Alliance by +1% Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Seal of Concealment
Peerless Seal of Concealment
0 0 0 Peerless Gem When Sworn Sword has 3 wounds or more, gain 5% chance to not participate in any assigned AvA garrison Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Seal of Cover
Peerless Seal of Cover
0 0 0 Peerless Gem When Sworn Sword has 2 wounds or more, gain 5% chance to not participate in any given assigned AvA garrison Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Rare Grafter's Seal of Warfare
Grafter's Seal of Warfare
0 4 0 Rare Gem Speed up Bribe attacks for Alliance vs Alliance by +1% 6 Gold Icon
Sells for 2140 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Seal of Deadly Spikes
Seal of Deadly Spikes
3 3 3 Peerless Gem +1% chance to wound a hostile attacking Sworn Sword when you lose a defense in Alliance vs Alliance, +1% chance to wound a hostile attacking Sworn Sword when you lose a defense in Player to Player Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Seal of Skulking
Peerless Seal of Skulking
0 0 0 Peerless Gem When Sworn Sword has 4 wounds, gain 5% chance to not participate in any given assigned AvA garrison Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Peerless Seal of Hiding
Peerless Seal of Hiding
0 0 0 Peerless Gem When Sworn Sword has 1 wound or more, gain 5% chance to not participate in any given assigned AvA garrison Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Rare Charging Seal of Warfare
Charging Seal of Warfare
0 0 0 Rare Gem +1% chance to inflict an additional wound on a defending Sworn Sword when you win an Alliance vs Alliance attack 2
Seal Icon Legendary Seal of Cover
Legendary Seal of Cover
0 0 0 Legendary Gem 4% chance to be removed from AvA garrison when receiving 2nd, 3rd, or 4th wound Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Seal of Concealment
Legendary Seal of Concealment
0 0 0 Legendary Gem 4% chance to be removed from AvA garrison when receiving 3rd or 4th wound Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Rare Spiked Seal of Warfare
Spiked Seal of Warfare
0 0 0 Rare Gem +1% chance to wound a hostile attacking Sworn Sword when you lose a defense in Alliance vs Alliance Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Rare Seal of Parrying Warfare
Seal of Parrying Warfare
0 0 0 Rare Gem +1% chance to prevent a wound on a Sworn Sword when failing an AvA attack Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Rare Seal of Dodging Warfare
Seal of Dodging Warfare
0 0 0 Rare Gem +1% chance to prevent a wound on a Sworn Sword when failing an Alliance vs Alliance defense Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Legendary Grand Seal of Parrying
Grand Seal of Parrying
1 1 1 Legendary Gem +1% chance to prevent a wound on a Sworn Sword when failing an AvA attack, +1% chance to prevent a wound on a Sworn Sword when failing a Player to Player attack Sells for 2 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Tyene Sand's Insignia
Tyene Sand's Insignia
0 0 5 Peerless Gem +2% to Sabotage when attacking or defending, +1% chance to inflict an additional wound in AvA Sells for 2300 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Seal of the Shadow Tower
Seal of the Shadow Tower
0 0 2 Legendary Gem +3% to all AvA Intrigue attacks and defense 11 Gold Icon
Sells for 6050 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Seal of Eastwatch-by-the-Sea
Seal of Eastwatch by the Sea
0 2 0 Legendary Gem +3% to all AvA Trade attacks and defense 11 Gold Icon
Sells for 6050 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Seal of Castle Black
Seal of Castle Black
2 0 0 Legendary Gem +3% to all AvA Battle attacks and defense 11 Gold Icon
Sells for 6050 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Ser Barristan Selmy's Insignia
Ser Barristan Selmy's Insignia
6 0 0 Peerless Gem +1% to Battle when defending, +1% to Battle when attacking, +1% chance to prevent a wound on a Sworn Sword when failing an AvA defense 15 Gold Icon
Sells for 2430 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Seal of the Fourteen Flames
Seal of the Fourteen Flames
3 3 3 Legendary Gem +3% damage during all Boss and Alliance Challenges, +1% to all attacks in all Tales, +1% to all defense in all Tales 10 Gold Icon
Sells for 6270 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Seal of the Mountain
Seal of the Mountain
5 0 0 Peerless Gem +1% to Battle when attacking, 2% faster AvA Battle attacks 18 Gold Icon
Sells for 4265 Silver Icon
Seal Icon Seal of the Whip
Seal of the Whip
0 0 5 Peerless Gem +1% to Intrigue when attacking, 2% faster AvA Intrigue attacks 18 Gold Icon
Seal Icon Pie Cook Insignia
Pie Cook Insignia
0 5 0 Peerless Gem +1% to Trade when attacking, 2% faster AvA trade attacks 18 Gold Icon

All items (119)
