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Bracelets of White is a City Quest that is part of the Fevered Man storyline.

World Bottles and Potions


Bracelets of White

"You recall the man who left his sickbed, my [lady/lord]? Three smallfolk at Long Rope are dead. Their wrists show the ring of dots we call Bracelets."



Silver Icon +100-250

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Common Boon
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Common Gem

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Reward Card Sleeve


"Long Rope... the village with that tall oak tree at its center?"

Lucas offers a precise nod. "Yes, my [lady/lord]. A previous lord would hang bandits from the oak so they could be seen from far away. From a long rope, you see."

"Would that I had listened to your counsel. We must act immediately."

"What should I do, Maester Lucas?"

Lucas sighs and closes his eyes. "Burn the dead. Find Dural without delay." The Septa nods agreement.

"Thank you, Maester. I can always trust your judgement in these matters."

"Septa, would swifter action have saved them?"

The Septa touches her pockmarked cheek as she considers. She finally says, "Only the Seven could be sure, my [lady/lord]."

"Be that as it may, Septa Eleanor, I shall look to your experience in matters of fever."

Sworn Sword Actions



Alignment None Icon Option #1: Eleanor and Lucas nod in unison. Lucas says, "I have a book-" as the Septa says, "If we can find-" They both scurry from the room, speaking excitedly.
Alignment None Icon Option #2: Maester Lucas says, "Every hour we delay might cost another life, my [lady/lord]." Septa Eleanor says, "I agree. I will aid you any way that I might."
Alignment New Ways Icon Eleanor glances at Lucas and says, "Caution is always best in these cases." The Maester scribbles a few words on a scrap of parchment and rises to leave.

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